definition of the parameters
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In this page you will learn how to fill the wizard page 'Preference Parameters'


We don't see same values in the same way... 10 000 Euros has not the same meaning for every one. To capture this, you need to provide us how you feel about differences...
For instance, let us consider the price. How do you feel about a difference of 100Euros, 500Euros, 1000 Euros, 5000 Euros.
Does a 100Euro makes a difference ? A 5000euros ?
Tell us here two thresholds:
- the Q: the indifference threshold: the value for which it doesn't make any difference (e.g. 1000Euros does not make any difference)
- the P: the preference threshold:the value for which you definitely choose for the lowest one (e.g. 37000 Euros)

in our example, the decision maker does not feel a difference if two cars have a consumption which differ less than 1liter/100km. But this decision maker directly prefers the car whith the lowest consumption if the difference is higher than 2l/100km.

For more information about the preference information, click on the following link:
More information about the preference parameters.

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