View the data
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In this page, you will learn how to:

There are several ways to enter your data in the Smart Picker Pro software. Suppose your spreadsheet is empty as follows:

Fig.1. A "blank" spreadsheet.

There are different ways to enter the data:

1. Enter the data yourself by typing the values.

    If you want to add:

Menu: Problem --> Add Action
Fig.2.  Add an action: menu Problem --> Add Action
                                      Press the "Donw Arrow" on key-board.

Fig. 3. Add an action: Key-board: on the last white line"Down-Arrow" or "Alt+A"

You will obtain: NAN: means that you have to insert a value or it will be considered as a missing value (see missing value)

New action added: NAN means that you have to insert a value or Not A Number

Let us remark that the following colour convention for the value of the date has been adopted:
if you want to maximize (minimize) a criterion, the highest value of that criterion will be blue (red) and the lowest value red (blue). In other words, blue design the best action on that criterion, whereas red the worst one.

Add criterion: Menu Problem--> Add Criterion
Fig.4.  Add an action: menu Problem --> Add Criterion
                                      Add a criterion: choose a cell in the last column a click on "Alt+Donw-Arrow"

Fig. 5. Add an action: Key-board: "Alt+Right-Arrow" or "Alt+C"

You will obtain: NAN: means that you have to insert a value or it will be considered as a missing value (see missing value)

Adding a new criterion: NAN means that you have to insert a value or Not A 

2. By copying-pasting your data...

  1. Copy your data from an excel file for instance.

Copy (Ctrl+C) your data from an Excel file for instance.
  1. Paste it by choosing the right cell: the data will be pasted starting at the chosen cell. Suppose the following situation:

You will have the following situation: since you data is bigger than the remaining cells ( starting from your chosen cell there are 3 columns and 4 lines left, although your data is a 5*5 table):

If the data to be pasted is bigger than the remaining of your table...

   Do you want to resize the table ?

If you want to resize your table...

                                         If you do not want to resize your table...


If you want to delete

Delete an action: Menu Problem --> Delete action
Fig.6.  Add an action: menu Problem --> Delete Action
                                         Delete an action: click right with your mouse on the cell in the first column of your action.

Fig. 7. Click Right with your mouse on the number of the action.

You will obtain:

Deleted action...

Delete a criterion: Menu Problem --> Delete Criterion
Fig.8.  Delete last criterion: Problem --> Delete Criterion
                                      Delete a criterion: Right Click on the label of the criterion.

Fig. 9. Delete a criterion: Right Click on the label of the criterion.

You will obtain:

Deleted Criterion...

3. Change the order of appareance of the actions or the criteria:

To change the order of the actions or the criteria in the table, go in to Menu --> Problem --> Sort the Actions\Criteria

Chane order actions/criteria

This will lead you to the following frames :

- the left arrows will increase or decrease the position of the selected item by one (e.g. Lux-1 will go one place up if you click on the up-arrow)
- the right arrows will place your selected item at the top or the bottom
- you can choose the position of an item
- or you can order them alphabetically

How to change the order of your actions ?

Frame which permits to change the order of the actions.
How to change the order of your criteria ?

Frame which permits to change the order of the criteria.

4. View the data

By clicking on:

- Alt+D, or
- Menu -->Data Analysis -->View Data