Menu and Tool Bar
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In this page, you will learn how to:

1. The Menu Bar

The following menus may be accessed:
  1. Files
  2. Problem
  3. Data Analysis
  4. Parameters
  5. Ranking 
  6. Export 2 File
  7. Window

1. Files

Short Cut  Legend Result
File Menu Ctrl+O Open Opens an existing decision problem
Ctrl+N New Creates a new problem with a blank spreadsheet
Ctrl+S Save Saves your problem in the current file.
Ctrl+M Save as Saves your problem in a new file.
Ctrl+N Close File Closes your problem.
Alt+F4 Close Closes the iDA program.

2. Problem

Short Cut Legend Result
Problem Menu Alt+A Add Action Adds an action to your problem. (*)
Alt+C Add Criterion Adds a criterion to your problem. (*)
Alt+Shift+A Delete Action Deletes the last action. (**)
Alt+Shift+C Delete Criterion Deletes the last criterion.(***)
Alt+N New Problem Permits you to define, step by step, a new problem.
Ctrl+N New Spreadsheet Opens a new Spreadsheet.
/ / Permsits to save some information about the user, date, etc. of your problem.

(*)     : You can enter directly an action or a criterion from your spreadsheet: click on the last lign on the "Down Arrow"  for adding a new action ; and in the last column "Alt+Arrow Righ" to add a new criterion.
(**)   : To delete a particular action, click right on the cell of the action in the first column.
(***) :  To delete a particular criterion, click right on the cell of the criterion in the first row.

3. Data Analysis

Data Analysis Menu Legend Result
Data Table Displays the performance table in a new window.
Visualise the data Displays a graphical representation of the performances of the actions.
Stats Displays statistics about the performances of the actions.
Parameters Preprocessing Displays the parameters of the preprocessing.
Preprocess Data Preprocesses your data.
Filter your Data Displays the filtering parameters.

4. Parameters

Parameters Menu Legend Result
Parameters of the criteria Show the parameters of the criteria.
Shows the Weights Shows the weights of the criteria.
Tile Weights in new Frame Shows the weights of the criteria in a new window.

5. Ranking

Ranking Menu Shortcut Legend Result
F6 Ranking Displays the net ranking scores of the actions.
F5 Ranking Charts Displays the ranking charts (graphical representation) of the actions.
Criterion Net Flows Displays the net scores for each criterion.
Positive Flows Displays the positive scores of the actions.
Negative Flows Displays the negative scores of the actions.
All Flows Displays the net, positive and negative scores of the actions.
Preference Matrix Displays the preference matrix: a pairwise comparisons between the actions
Incomparability Matrix Displays the pairwise incomparabilities.
Binary Preference Matrix Displays the pairwise binary preference relations between the actions.
Stats Net Flows Displays some statistics about the net flows.
F8 Gaia Map  Displays the Gaia Map
F3 Improve an action  Displays a menu to increase the performances of an action (Sensitivity Analysis)

6. Sorting

Sorting Menu
Shortcut Legend Result

Type of Profiles Choose the type of profiles which define the categories: limiting open profiles, limiting closing or central profiles.
Alt+P Add Profile Add a profile to the list.
Alt+Shift+P Criterion Net Flows Delete last profile.
Sorting Classes Displays the groups of each action.
Sorting Charts Displays  the score of each action.
Action -vs- Profiles Displays an action in regards of solely the profiles.
Detailed scores Displays detailed scores: unicriterion flows, negative, positive and net flows.
Sorting report
Displays a small report about the assignments.
CTRL+F8 Gaia Map Displays the FS-GAIA map.
CTRL+F3 Improve an action Displays a menu to increase the performances of an action (Sensitivity Analysis)

7. Export 2 File

Export Menu Shortcut Legend Result
Ctrl+E Export 2 File Permits you to export your data and results to a pdf or csv file.
Ctrl+I Export 2 Image Permits you to export your screen to a file.

8. Window

Window Menu Legend Result
Cascade Permits you to undock all the windows.
Tile Horizontally Will dock all your windows by divising your screen horizontally.
Tile Vertically Will dock all your windows by divising your screen vertically.
Arrange Icons Arranges the icons of your windows directly.
Next Selects the next window.
Previous Selects the previous window.

2. The Tool Bar:

Ranking Scores Gives the Ranking Scores in a table.

Gives the Ranking Charts, i.e. a graphical represenation of the ranking
The Gaia Map Displays the Gaia Map, i.e. a graphival representation of your ranking  problem.
Gives the groups and scores of each action.
Gives the Sorting Charts, i.e. a graphical represenation of the sorting.
Displays the FS- Gaia Map, i.e. a graphival representation of your sorting problem.
Launch the wizard.
Force the Update of the resutls Force an automatic update of all the results.
Automatic Update Enable Automatic Update Disables \ Enables the automatic update of the results.