Scientific Background

Scientific Background

Smart-Picker Pro implements two methods:
  • the ranking method PROMETHEE: it ranks and scores every option from the best to the worst by comparing pairwise all the options
  • the sorting method FlowSort: it assigns each option to one category amongst several completely ordered and predefined categories.

A full description of these can be found in the following selection of scientific references (PROMETHEE counts more than 1000 scientific references):

  • Brans, J., and Vincke, P. (1985). A preference ranking organization method: The Promethee method for multiple criteria decision making. Management Science, 31, 647–656.
  • Ishizaka A. and Nemery Ph. (2013). Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: Methods and Software. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. (Preview; Link 1, Link 2)
  • Majid Behzadiana, R.B. Kazemzadehb, A. Albadvib, M. Aghdasib PROMETHEE: A comprehensive literature review on methodologies and applications Volume 200, Issue 1, 1 January 2010, Pages 198–215 Link
  • B. Mareschal, Y. De Smet & Ph. Nemery: "Rank reversal in Promethee II: some new results, 2008, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Link
  • Nemery, P., and Lamboray, C. (2008). FlowSort: a flow-based sorting method with limiting or central profiles. TOP, 16(1), 90–113.Link
  • Nemery, P., Mareschal, B., and Ishizaka, A. (2010). Unification of problem formulation with PROMETHEE, Keynote Paper. The 52th Operational Research Society Conference (pp. 60–72). London. Link
  • Nemery, P., Ishizaka, A., Camargo, M., and Morel, L. (2012). Enriching descriptive information in ranking and sorting problems with visualizations techniques. Journal of Modelling in Management, 7(2), 130–147 Link
  • Ph. Nemery, PhD Thesis: On the use of ranking methods in sorting problems. 2008. Université Libre de Bruxelles.Link

Book about Multicriteria Decision Analysis
