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Welcome to Smart Picker Pro Help

·    General description of the Smart Picker Pro software: purposes, features, advantages (-->).

·     Enter a new decision problem. (-->)

·    Introduce your preference parameters. (-->)

·    Understanding the different preference parameters

·    Introducing the preference parameters.

·    Prepocess your data (-->)

·    What happens whith missing values ?

·    What is preprocessing ?

·    Filter your data. (-->)

·    Glance at the ranking scores. (-->)

·    Ranking scores.

·    Understanding the results.

·    Glance at the ranking charts. (-->)

·    Ranking charts.

·    Understanding the charts.

·    Detailed view of the ranking.

·    Glance at the Gaia Map. (-->)

·    Visualisation of the Gaia Map.

·    Understanding the Gaia Map

·    Perform a sensitivity analysis. (-->)

·    Vary your weights.

·    Vary your preference parameters.

·    Export your results (-->)

·    Wizzard: step by step using the software: (-->)

·    Enter your data:

·    enter it directly

·    from a excel file

·    copy-paste from any file

·    Enter your preference parameters

·    Enter your weigths.

·    Visualise:

·    the ranking charts

·    the gaia map

·    the ranking scores

·    Export your results.

·    Missing Values. (-->)

·    Inactivate some actions. (-->)

·    Change the colours of the criteria (-->).

·    About Smart Picker Pro software. (-->)