Promethee: Scientific Background
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Methodology - Scientif Background
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Additional paper reference have been added for the interested readers.
* J.P. Brans, B. Mareschal, How to decide with Promethee
* J.P. Brans, B. Mareschal, The Promethee Methods
* Ishizaka Alessio, Nemery Philippe Selecting the best statistical distribution with
PROMETHEE and GAIA, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 61(4), 958-969,2011
* Ph. Nemery, A. Ishizaka and M. Camargo : Enriching descriptive information in raking
and sorting problems with visualizations techniques, Journal of Modeling in Management
* P. Meyer, La methode Promethee-Gaia d'aide multicritere a la decision.
* Nemery Philippe, Mareschal Bertrand, Ishizaka Alessio, Unification of problem formulation with PROMETHEE, Keynote paper, The 52th Operational Research Society Conference, London, 2010
* Ph. Nemery, K. Lidouh, B. Mareschal, “On the use of taking weights into account in
the GAIA map”, International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences (IJIDS),
2010, to appear
* B. Mareschal, Y. De Smet & Ph. Nemery: "Rank reversal in Promethee II: some new
results, 2008, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Engineering and Engineering Management
* Ph. Nemery & Cl. Lamboray: "FlowSort : "A flow-based sorting method with limiting
and central profiles", TOP 16, 90-113
* Ph. Nemery & Cl. Lamboray : "FlowSort : "A sorting method based on flows" in
Proceedings of the ORP3 Conference, Guimarães, Portugal, 2007